travel agent fam blogging

5 (More) Brilliant Reasons Why Every Travel Agent Should be Blogging About Their Latest FAM Trip [LIST]

It’s true. 57 percent of businesses have acquired new clients thanks to their blog.
So what on earth are you waiting for?

In part one of this blog I shared with you some of Sky Blue’s FAM trip blogging tips; about how your travel blog can promote your expertise, give a great boost to your relationships with your preferred suppliers—and even make you look cool and sexy to potential clients!

Here in part two I’m sharing another five brilliant reasons why you should be blogging and blogging and then blogging some more about your latest FAM trip.

1. Your blog gets you noticed. Sharing your first-hand insider knowledge of a destination or product in your blog boosts your credibility—and that gets you noticed. Potential clients become aware that you are an authority on certain destinations and products and they see real value in that. In their minds they file you as the go-to specialist for the destinations and products they’re interested in.

2. Your blog can be re-purposed. Yes, it’s great news that businesses that blog get 55 percent more website visitors, according to HubSpot, but you should think about taking your blog one step further than your website. Re-purpose it in your e-newsletter. Or use your blog as a basis for social media posts that will drive traffic to your website.

3. Your blog can serve you for years to come. First hand FAM experiences never go out of style. Writing about your personal response to a certain destination or product stands you in good credibility for years to come. The information in your blog can be valuable to potential clients today, tomorrow and for years to come–so the blog you write today will build relationships well into the future.

4. Your blog makes Google fall in love with you. As we all know, Google pretty much rules over the online universe. And there’s nothing His/Her Majesty likes more than to see fresh content on your website. Google likes to reward fresh content, so when a potential client is searching for the kind of information that is your specialty, Google will pull up the freshest content when that search is performed. So if you’re not feeding His/Her Royal Highness with fresh blog content, you can bet one of your competitor’s fresh content will be ranking higher than your in the search results.

5. Your blog doesn’t have to take up all your time. Instead of wasting your time staring at a computer screen in search of inspiration (believe me, we’ve all been there!), check out Sky Blue Content’s special offer for professional travel blogging services below. It’s easy-peasy to get your superstar travel blog up and running with Sky Blue for just $150 before February 28, 2018.

So go on. What are you waiting for? Get blogging today.

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The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.