
The Secret to Successful Socially-Distanced Travel

Sky Blue Vickie Continues to Wing it Like a Pro (and Learns that Cats Really Don’t Care if You Wear a Mask or Not)

Rewind six months…

There’s no vaccine. Trump is president. A massive explosion shakes the port of Beirut. Everyone is spending way too much time watching episodes of Tiger King on Netflix and taking part in Zoom pub quizzes. And Sky Blue Vickie’s flight from YVR is coming into land at London Heathrow.

Man’s best friend in Wivenhoe, England: Life during the pandemic can certainly be lonely. Animal friends definitely help.

Usually, returning to my homeland for a trip is a highly jubilant affair – a celebration marked by big bear hugs, sloppy cheek kisses, sparkling eyes and a ridiculous amount of partying with my friends and family.

But that’s not the case in August 2020. The UK I find myself in this summer is afraid.

Catching up on all my favourite English dishes during quarantine, like kippers for breakfast.

After two weeks in quarantine (what’s not to love about quarantine when it’s 30 degrees outside, you have a pretty country garden to spend your days in and you can have English fish and chips delivered to your door?), I attempt to spend some quality time with my loved ones.

Occasionally we manage it, but the situation is difficult. Restrictions are constantly changing; making plans is a minefield; uncertainty reigns supreme.

The quaint English village of Wivenhoe, Essex.

Lockdown is looming; I can feel it.

But as you know, when life gives me lemons, I make (gin) and lemonade, so I take the opportunity to retreat into that most magical of worlds: the animal kingdom.

Meet TC. He enjoys nothing more than sitting like a human.

I decide to combine seeing a little bit more of the country of my birth with the chance to lavish some love upon some of the UK’s cutest kitties — so I join, pack my bag and go cat-sitting.

After all, pussy cats  really do not give a hoot whether you’re wearing a mask or not.

Enjoying the beer gardens on the banks of the River Colne.

I put on my mask, sanitize up to my armpits and ride empty trains across England’s green and pleasant land.

It’s a naturally socially-distanced adventure that takes me from the unspeakably picturesque fishing village of Wivenhoe in Essex to the marine town of Hartlepool in Country Durham.

I stroll along pretty riverbanks, I sit in quiet beer gardens, I shamelessly indulge in my Crazy Cat Lady needs.

Meet Charlie. He enjoys nothing more than waking you up for cuddles at 3am.

So I travel. I see new places and taste new things – against all the odds. I’m relieved to be on the road, instead of sitting at home, worrying about things that are beyond my control.

HMS Trincomalee is a Royal Navy Leda-class sailing frigate built shortly after the end of the Napoleonic Wars. She is now restored as a museum ship in Hartlepool.

Don’t get me wrong, the England I know and love most certainly wasn’t in full-throttle in the August of 2020, but I really did cherish the chance to sample a few of her quieter pleasures before she headed back into a full lockdown. And house-sitting allowed me to do that in a naturally socially-distanced (and bloody cheap!) way too.

Village charm in Wivenhoe, Essex.

However, towards the end of September it became clear that I would have to move on if I didn’t want to get stuck in lockdown. But where on earth could I go? Where was even open? Surely I was a fool to even THINK about getting on a plane.

Shabby chic style on the streets of Wivenhoe.

Tune in next time to find out what happened.

SPOILER ALERT: One dog, 13 cats and three ducks were involved… And it was fun-fun-fun!

Sky Blue Vickie x

The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.