‘She works hard for the money’ – Donna Summer


Just like people, travel writing assignments and budgets come in all shapes and sizes. It’s a beautiful thing. And that’s exactly why a one-size-fits-all ethos simply doesn’t work in the content creation and copywriting world.

So let me know what your travel writing needs are and I’ll happily customize my proposal and quote to suit you and your budget. After all, I’ve never come face-to-face with a reasonable budget that I can’t work with.

My rates are not bargain basement, but they are fair. You could, in all honestly, find a cheaper writer, but they will not be invested in your brand. They’ll produce copy, they’ll fill empty spaces with words – but they won’t get passionate about your branding, they won’t step into the minds of your clients and they won’t have a deep understanding of the travel and tourism industry. They certainly won’t fire your clients into a booking frenzy.

In short: you get what you pay for. And as a seasoned travel and tourism professional, you know that professionalism, experience and skill beat rock bottom prices any day of the week.

So if you want your travel writing content to really WORK for you – to resonate with your clients and inspire them to make a booking – contact me.

Together, we’ll make your content a force to be reckoned with.



First up, I’ll fire over a short (very short, I promise!) questionnaire to you. It’ll take you just a couple of minutes to fill in, but it’ll really help me grasp what you, your brand and your clients need from your travel writing content and copywriting.

Now for the fun part: let’s meet. If you’re in Vancouver, we can do this over a coffee. Otherwise we can pop the kettle on and have a chat on the phone or via Skype. I’ll ask you lots of questions about your business goals, schedules, SEO strategy, client psychographics and branding – questions that will enable me to make your content sparkle like a million dazzling stars in a midnight sky. Oh yeah, baby, let’s make that content WORK for you.

After our initial meeting I’ll send you a contract that outlines the project details, the cost and any agreed timelines. Sign it and fire it right back at me, because then I can get really excited and start focussing all of my creative energy upon making your content dazzle like diamonds.

4. DRAFT #1
At this stage, I’ve delved into your brand identity, I’ve meditated upon your clients’ needs, I’ve interviewed any suitable sources and I’ve showered your content with creative love. I’ll send you a draft. This will either a) make you do a happy-dance around your desk; or b) make you tell me that we need to navigate the project in a different direction. If it’s b) we’ll arrange a time to chat so we can put things back on track. But if I was a betting woman, I’d put my money on it being a) you doing a happy-dance.

I must confess, the professional travel content writer and copywriter in me just wants to slap your competition senseless with your fabulously fresh new content, but the hippie-dippie creative in me simply wants to make you happy. Blissfully happy. That’s why I provide you with up to two revisions of your content – to make sure that you are as happy as a lark. After all, if I don’t get a happy-dance out of you, I’m just not satisfied.

Et voila… you have a brand-spanking new piece of trustworthy travel writing in your arsenal of sales tools that you own and can re-purpose wherever you please. Your content is now finely tuned to celebrate your branding and to capture the hearts and minds of your new clients. Sign off and I’ll fire over an invoice. The world is now a better place for travellers – and your travel business. Sigh…

ENGAGING Travel Content by an EXPERIENCED Travel Writer for EXCEPTIONAL Travel Businesses

Vickie Sam Paget
778 708 5976