Vickie Sam Paget Travel Writer

Are Your Clients Nitwits? Or are they Twerps?

Words matter. They always have done.

Since the days our knuckle-dragging ancestors first open their mouths and snorted out some guttural grunts to express themselves, words have been of vital importance. They’ve helped us to survive, to progress, to trade, to fight, to learn, to heal and to love.

As the writer Robin Sharma so eloquently puts it: “Words can inspire and words can destroy. Choose yours well.”

Words are integral to absolutely everything we do, from telling our loved ones how much we care for them, to maintaining integrity and poise in business.

So, it’s good to see that some of the United Kingdom’s greatest minds have devoted some of their precious time recently to a truly worthy cause that is certain take our linguistic mastery to a whole new level.

Yes, the professors at one of the land’s fine bastions of learning – the land that brought us the mastery of Shakespeare, Dickens, Austin and Hardy – have been using their grey matter to focus on that most crucial of questions: What are the funniest words in the English language?

Yes. And I’m just dying to share the list with you. So here it is in all of its glory. Put down your coffee cup and brace yourself:

  1. Booty
  2. Tit
  3. Booby
  4. Hooter
  5. Nitwit
  6. Twit
  7. Waddle
  8. Tinkle
  9. Bebop
  10. Egghead
  11. Ass
  12. Twerp

On reflection, I think they may have wasted their research budget. After all, I could have asked my 10-year-old nephew to come up with this list. He’d have had a really good time doing it as well.

But it does bring home the importance of words and how you choose to use them for your business. Your words need to be sharp. Your words need to be beautiful. They need to be informative and they need to be entertaining. That’s why I’m including a link to my blog: 5 Reasons Your Clients Aren’t Clicking On Your Beautiful Travel Blog.

After all, your clients aren’t really nitwits or twerps: They can spot a bad communicator a mile off. So dazzle them with your rhetoric. Let your creative copywriting shine. Make it a pleasure for them to read about you and your services. Tell them a good story and they’ll love you forever.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to waddle off. I’m meeting an egghead for a bebop.




The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.