Press Releases

Textile Exhibition, Vancouver

NEWS RELEASE: Anglican Foundation’s Anniversary Exhibition Celebrates Diverse Influences that have Set Artists on Spiritual Path

(in)finite: spiritual conversations in cloth
May 24 to June 4, 2017
Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, B.C.

~ Words by Vickie Sam Paget, Sky Blue Content ~

APRIL 10, 2017, VANCOUVER, B.C. – Vancouver’s magnificent Christ Church Cathedral is set to showcase some truly beautiful works of art that celebrate the strength of spirituality this spring.

To mark the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) diamond anniversary, the (in)finite: spiritual conversations in cloth exhibition explores the “finite limitations of humanity and the ineffable, infinite nature of the Divine” in a special gallery space in the cathedral’s chancel.
This free exhibition places the spotlight on the work of textile and fibre artists from across Canada – and it takes a fascinating look at the diverse influences that have set them on their individual paths to spiritual enlightenment.
A keen canoer for more than four decades, Katie Stein Sather of Maple Ridge, BC, says she has often connected with a higher level of spirituality while paddling.
“Paddling takes me to that spiritual connection with what some might name God,” she explains. “It gives me a sense of focus that leads to this intimate and powerful connection. Paddling is a meditation as well as a means of transportation. Hand stitching is also meditation.”
Travel is clearly a big inspiration for Trish Graham from New Westminster, BC, who spent two decades researching traditional handicrafts in West Africa.
“The time overseas gave me the opportunity to travel, study traditional techniques and learn about other cultures,” says Graham. “Working in a series, I am creating a group of faces based on fragments. Fragments because – from the fragmentation of my daily life, when I sit at my loom it all falls away and wholeness is created – in fabric but also in my spirit.”
Karen Fowler of Nanton, AB, cites feminine strength and an inspiration that connects her with her spirituality.
“I am continually mystified by female resiliency and strength,” she says. “’Women’s work’ has held a constant fascination for me. The silk fibres are symbolic to me of resiliency and strength, yet they are exotic, feminine and divine at the same time. Collectively the hangings capture colourful and moving fragments of women – the essence of beauty, transparency and grace.”
These highly spiritual works of art have been specially selected by a Curating Circle that recognizes the connection between the artists’ creations and their various journeys towards faith.
The Circle includes Dr Angela Clarke, who holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of British Columbia. She is the Museum Director and Curator of Il Museo at Vancouver’s Italian Cultural Centre. Clarke lectures on textiles and decorative art at academic conferences and cultural symposia across the globe.
The Exhibition Manager is textile and liturgical artist Thomas Roach. Roach holds a Textile Arts Diploma from Capilano University and his artwork is featured in church and private collections from coast to coast.
Celebrating 60 years of providing generous funding to innovative projects that have benefited thousands of individuals, the AFC’s anniversary celebrations include an opening ceremony on May 27, as well as an impressive selection of Foundation meetings and events. The 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm opening reception features notable guests and several participating artists. The event is open to the public.
The (in)finite exhibition runs until June 4 at Christ Church Cathedral, 690 Burrard Street in Vancouver. Hours for the exhibition are Monday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm. For more information visit
For 60 years, AFC has been a generous champion of faith communities in Canada by:
•    cultivating innovative expressions of faith
•    championing dynamic leadership for the next generation
•    supporting self-determination and education in Canada’s Northern communities
•    refreshing dated infrastructure
•    sustaining collaborative interfaith dialogue
•    fostering performing arts, liturgical art, music and dance
•    empowering the imagination and creativity of Canadian children and youth
Leading the way in resourceful ministry since 1957, AFC has benefitted dioceses, hundreds of parishes, and thousands of Canadian Anglicans with the provision of financial support from coast to coast to coast.

Image: Let the Light In, by Denise de Jose – Tappen, BC. (27″ x 29″, Hand hooked on burlap; hand dyed and commercial wool yarn).

The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.