allianz travel insurance

What’s the Worst that could Happen?

~ Words by Vickie Sam Paget, Sky Blue Content ~

Karen Cullen, director of sales for Allianz Global Assistance, explains why travel insurance is a must-have for even the healthiest of travellers

According to a recent Conference Board of Canada survey, 86 percent of Canadians aged 55-plus purchased travel insurance for their last trip, compared to just 65 percent of Canadians aged 18 to 34.
It’s not uncommon for travellers who feel they are in good health to decline travel insurance. This can be the case especially for healthy travellers who want to escape the Canadian winter by heading south for a few days of sunshine. If the plan is to stay poolside at the resort for the week, what’s the worst that could happen?
The reality is that travel emergencies can happen to all types of travellers at any age, regardless of their current health. That’s a message worth sharing with all of your sun-seeking clients. Here’s how to deliver that message to your clients and boost your opportunities of making the sale.
What Could Possibly Happen?
When helping your clients plan a trip, you put a lot of effort into making sure every detail is taken care of. However, as Karen Cullen, director of sales for Allianz Global Assistance notes, even the best laid plans can change in an instant.
“Accidents can happen to anyone, whether it’s a slip and fall by the pool or an unexpected pothole during a scooter ride,” notes Cullen. “While your client may be in fine health before leaving, visiting tropical destinations can lead to unforeseen medical emergencies that wouldn’t typically be a concern at home, such as stomach ailments and heatstroke.
“Not only can travel insurance help with covering unexpected medical costs, it’s also invaluable in terms of assistance services such as finding a quality medical provider and monitoring your care. Travel insurance truly is a must-have for everyone, regardless of age, health or length of trip.”
Make the Connection for Clients
Once your clients understand the need for travel insurance, it’s important to communicate its value by highlighting coverage benefits that are most relevant to their trip. For example:
Families often travel on a budget. Highlighting family plan rates and the importance of travel insurance in general can help reduce the perception of the added cost.
Young travellers love adventure. When they’re hit by the desire to travel without a care in the world, travel insurance gives them the freedom to do just that, while also taking responsibility for their wellbeing.
Being a single traveller can be a bit intimidating if you experience an emergency. With 24/7 multi-lingual assistance available worldwide, having travel insurance makes you feel less alone.
Your clients come to you because they value your knowledge and expertise in helping them have the best trip possible. Whether that means backpacking in Nepal, getting lost in Madrid’s El Prado museum or kicking back on the white sands of a Caribbean beach, travel insurance should always be a part of those plans. As a travel agent, it’s important to convey the value of travel insurance to all your clients, regardless of their age, health or length of trip.

This branded content first appeared in CT Magazine, a publication for Canadian travel agents.


The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.