Branded Travel Content

Hard Rock: Music-centric Travel

6 Ways to Get your Groove On at Hard Rock All Inclusive

~ Words by Vickie Sam Paget, Sky Blue Content ~

Does the client sitting before you look like they like to turn up the car stereo just a little too loud? Can you imagine them head-banging in a traffic jam? Then talk to them about a music-centric getaway at the Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya and the Hard Rock Hotel Cancun…

The location: Mexico’s sun-kissed east coast. The resorts: Hard Rock Riviera Maya and Hard Rock Hotel Cancun. The mission: to provide the most amazing music-centric escapes on the face of the planet to all of those tune-loving clients who want to rock-out in the sunshine.
We’re talking so much more than memorabilia-lined walls though. We’re talking about properties that boast some incredible live music venues and lobbies where DJs like to set up their booths.
Which is why, if you have an inkling that your client likes to rock-out in their spare time, you need to talk to them about investing their hard-earned vacation time in a getaway that would keep every kind of music fan—from Megadeth to Madonna-lovers—blissfully happy.
Just check out some of the brilliant music-focussed programs that are in place for Canadian travellers who like to get their groove on…
Every Hard Rock Hotel has a VIBE (Visionary Individual Behind Energy) manager who is in charge of overseeing the ‘vibe’ and ‘feel’ of every part of the hotel at different times of the day. The VIBE manager is responsible for NOT having Metallica play in the lobby at 6am or opera music during a happy hour.
WAY TO GET YOUR GROOVE ON #2: The Sound of Your Stay
The Sound of Your Stay is Hard Rock’s signature music amenity program. Designed to provide an all-encompassing music experience in the comfort of your client’s hotel room, they can channel their inner rock star—whether that means setting the mood with free playlists, nailing power chords on a Fender guitar during an in-room jam session, or matching beats like a professional DJ.
Available only in Cancun and Riviera Maya, the Music Lab program is divided into four unique classes: Jam Band (this program puts your clients in a rock band regardless of their ability to play an instrument or sing), Spin Session (clients are assigned a DJ counsellor who will guide them through rehearsal and onto the stage), RockTube (your clients star in their own music video, perform live on stage and walk the red carpet like a celebrity), and Studio Time (clients jam along and record themselves beside some of rock ‘n’ roll’s most iconic bands in Hard Rock’s Jammit studio).
WAY TO GET YOUR GROOVE ON #4: Rhythm & Motion
Recognizing that not all spa-goers want to listen to ‘earth sounds’ or ‘rushing water’, Hard Rock recently launched its music-infused spa menu, ‘Rhythm & Motion’. The signature ‘Synchronicity’ treatment is a modernized Swedish massage, where your client lies on a table that sends vibrations through the body, while a speaker-like dome overhead plays an expertly-curated playlist. The massage therapist’s movements are synchronized to the music to bring the spa experience full circle.
Hard Rock Hotel Riviera Maya offers two separate resort areas: an adults-only ‘Heaven’ side and a family-friendly ‘Hacienda’ side. The Heaven ‘resort within the resort’ boasts a signature Rock Spa with 75 treatment rooms—the largest spa in the Caribbean—four restaurants and three sophisticated bars and lounges.
WAY TO GET YOUR GROOVE ON #6: Rock Star Suites
The Rock Star Suite is Hard Rock’s version of the classic penthouse, which allows music-loving clients to take their whole ‘entourage’ with them to stay in star-studded digs. For example, the Rock Star Suite in the Riviera Maya was designed by Poison’s Bret Michaels.

With Ash Tembe, VP of Field Sales, Hard Rock All Inclusive Collection

1. Why is music important when it comes to selling Hard Rock?
Canadian travel agents are a lot of fun and they like music. What we offer is music-centric as well as fun-centric. Our programs are all music-driven and music is always at the centre of what we do.
When travel agents are selling they are often selling amenities—and we have fantastic amenities—but they also need to take a step back and sell the music aspect and the fun aspect of our hotels.
2. What’s the target demographic?
It’s not an age demographic. Our demographic is very simple: you can be 80-years-old and if you like music, then you should go to the Hard Rock. The experience is music-based and I don’t think that’s an age thing.
People get caught up and say: “Oh, Hard Rock, that’s just for young people.” But we have such a wide music range at our properties with our VIBE managers that I think we’re really just for anybody who likes music.
3. What should an agent say to a client who is reluctant to take grandma and grandpa to a Hard Rock property?
A 60 or 70-year-old today is much cooler than a 60 or 70-year-old 20 years ago. We find that a lot of the time it’s the grandparent who is purchasing an entire multi-generational trip so that their kids and their grandkids can all be together, and they want to keep that cool music factor because they are cool grandparents.
4. Any sales tips for travel agents?
A lot of people have a misconception of what the Hard Rock brand is all about. We’re an extremely easy sell—but a complicated product. For example, if you want to pick up an actual instrument, we have four programs for that. Travel agents need to take the time to reach out to their BDM and get to know the depth of our product.
When you are marketing Hard Rock you also have to consider that you have over 80 percent global brand recognition. It’s a brand that people know, so when you’re a travel agent it’s good to align yourself with a brand that the consumer is comfortable with—and Hard Rock is one of those brands.
5. What music can you not get enough of at the moment?
Justin Bieber! I’m also going to see Rhianna, Pearl Jam and Beyonce this April. And I’m trying to get tickets for Coldplay too; that would make my year!

Images: Courtesy of Hard Rock All Inclusive
This branded content first appeared in CT Magazine, a monthly publication for Canadian travel agents.


The author: Sky Blue Vickie

Located in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Vickie Sam Paget is a gifted travel and tourism storyteller. She's a talented word wizard with 17 years of experience in B2B and B2C travel and tourism journalism, editing, copywriting, audience-building and content publishing across the globe. She spends her days happily wrestling with her creative muscle in order to compose truly engaging travel writing content for truly exceptional travel businesses.